Evening Chanting
Iminā Sakkārenā Dhammang Puchemi
Buddha’s pubbabhaka namakara
(Leader) Handa maya.m buddhassa bhagavato pubba-bhaga-namakaram karoma se:
Now let us chant the preliminary passage in homage to the Awakened One, the Blessed One:
(All) Namo tassa Bhagavatto arahato sammā sambuddhassa
Namo tassa Bhagavatto arahato sammā sambuddhassa
Namo tassa Bhagavatto arahato sammā sambuddhassa
Arahang sammā sambuddho bhagawā.
The Blessed one is worthy & Rightly self-awakened.
Buddhang Bhagavantang abhivādemi
(Bow Down)
Savākkhāto Bhagavatā Dhammo
The Dhamma is well-expounded by the Blessed One.
Dhammang namassāmi
(Bow Down)
Supatipanno bhagavato sāvaka sangkho
Sanghang namāmi
(Bow Down)
(A Guide to the Recollection of the Buddha)
(Leader) Handa mayang buddhanussati-nayañja karoma se:
Now let us recite the recollection of the Buddha
(All) Tang kho pana bhagavantang Evang kalyāno kitti-saddo abbhuggato,
This fine report of the Blessed One’s reputation has spread far & wider:
Itipi so bhagavā arahang sammā-sambuddho,
He is a Blessed One, a Worthy One, a Rightly Self-awakened One,
Vijjā-jarana-sampano sugato lokavidū,
Consummate in knowledge & conduct, one who has gone the good way, knower of the cosmos,
Anuttaro purisa-damma-sārathi Satthā deva-manussānang buddho bhagavāti.
Unexcelled trainer of those who can be baught, teacher of human & divine beings; awakened; blessed.
(Leader) Handa mayang buddhāhigiting karomā se:
Now let us chant in celebration of the Buddha:
(All) Buddhavārahanta-varatādigunābhiyutto,
The Buddha, endowed with such virtues as highest worthiness:
Suddhābhiñāna-karunāhi samāgatatto,
In him, purity, supreme knowledge, & compassion converge.
Bodhesi yo sujanatang kamalang va sūro,
He awakeneds good people like the sun does the lotus.
Vandāmahang tamaranang sirasā jinendang.
I revere with head that peaceful One, the Conqueror Supreme.
Buddho yo sabba-pāninang, Saranang khemamuttamang.
The Buddha who for all beings is the secure, the highest refuge,
Pathamānussatitthānang, Vandāmi tang sirenahang,
The first theme for recollection: I revere him with my head.
Buddhassāhasami dāso (women:dasī) va, Buddho me sāmikissaro
I am the Buddha’s servant, the Buddha is my sovereign master,
Buddho dukkhassa ghātā ja, Vidhātā ja hitassa me.
The Buddha is a detroyer of suffering & a provider of welfare for me.
Buddhassāhang niyyademi, Sariranjīvitancidang.
To the Buddha I dedicated this body & this life of mine
Vandantohang (Vandantīhang) jarissāmi,
Buddhasseva subodhitang.
I will fare with reverence for the Buddha’s genuine Awakened.
Natthi me saranang aññang, Buddho me saranang varang:
I have no other refuge, the Buddha is my foremost refuge:
Etena sajja-vajjena, Vaddheyyang satthu-sāsane.
By the speaking of the truth, may I grow in the teacher’s instruction.
Buddhang me vandamānena (Vandamānāya),
Yang puññang pasutang idha,
Sabbe pi antarāyā me, Māhesung tassa tejasā.
Through the power of the merit here produced by my reverence for the Buddha, may all my obstructions cease to be.
(Bow Down and Say)
Kāyena Vājāya va jetasā vā,
whatever bad Kamma I have done to the Buddha
Buddhe kukammang pakatang mayā yang,
by body, by speed, or by mind,
Buddho patigganhātu ajjayantang,
may the Buddha accept my admission of it,
Kālantare sangvaritung va Buddhe.
So that in the future I may show restraint toward the Buddha.
(A Guide to the Recollection of the Dhamma)
(Leader) Handa mayang dhammānussati-nayang karoma se:
Now let us recite the recollection of the Dhamma:
(All) Savākkhāto bhagavatā Dhammo,
The Dhamma is well-expounded by the Blessed One,
Sanditthiko akāliko ehipassiko,
To be seen here & now, timeless, inviting all to come & see,
Opanayiko paccattang veditabbo viññūhīti.
Leading inward, to be seen by the wise for themselves.
Dhammā Bhikiti
(Leader) Handa mayang dhammābhigiting karoma se:
Now let us chant in Celebration of the Dhamma:
(All) Savākkhātatā digunā-yogavasena seyyo,
Superior, through having such virtues as being well-expounded,
Yo magga-pākā pariyatti-vimokkha-bhedo,
Divided into path & fruit, study & emancipation,
Dhammo kulo kapatanā tadadhāri-dhārī.
The Dhamma protects those who hold to it from falling into miserable worlds.
Vandāmahang tamaharang vara-dhammametang.
I revere that foremost Dhamma, the distroyer of darkness.
Dhammo yo sabba-pāninang, Saranang khemamuttamang.
The Dhamma that for all beings is the secure, the highest refuge,
Dutiyānussatitthānang, Vandāmi tang sirenahang,
The second theme for recollection: I revere it with my head.
Dhammassāhasami dāso (dāsī) va, Dhammo me sāmikissaro.
I am the Dhamma’s servant, the Dhamma is my sovereign master,
Dhammo dukkhassa ghātā ja, Vithātā ja hitassa me.
The Dhamma is a ditroyer of suffering & a provider of walfare for me.
Dhammassāhang niyyādemi, Sariranjīvitancidang.
To the Dhamma I dedicate this body & this life of mine.
Vandantohang (Vandantīhang) jarissāmi, Dhammasseva- sudhammatang.
I will fare with reverece for the Dhamma’s genuine rightness.
Natthi me saranang aññang, Dhammo me saranang varang:
I have no other refuge, the Dhamma is my foremost refuge:
Etena sacca-vajjena, Vaddheyyang satthu-sāsane.
By the speaking of this truth, may I grow in the teacher’s instruction.
Dhammang me vandamānena (vandamānāya), Yang puññang pasutang idha, Sabbe pi antarāyā me, Māhesung tassa tejasā.
Through the power of the merit here produced by my reverence for the Dhamma, may all my obstructions cease to be.
Kāyena Vājāya va jetasā vā,
Dhamme kukammang pakatang mayā yang,
by body, by speech, or by mind
Dhammo patigganhātu ajjayantang,
Kālantare sangvaritung va Dhamme.
So that in the future I may show restraint toward the Dhamma.
(Leader) Handa mayang Sangkhānussati-nayang karoma se:
Now let us recite the guide to the recollection of the Sangkha:
(All) Supatipanno bhagavato sāvaka-Sangkho,
The Sangha of the Blessed One’s disciples who have practiced well,
Uju-patipanno bhagavato sāvaka-Sangkho,
Yāya-patipanno bhagavato sāvaka-Sangkho,
The Sangha of the Blessed One’s disciples who have never practiced methodically,
Samīji-patipanno bhagavato sāvaka-Sangkho,
The Sangha of the Blessed One’s disciples who have practiced masterfully,
Yadidang jattāri, purisa-yugāni, attha purisa-puggalā:
i.e., the four pairs-the eight types-of Noble Ones:
Esa bhagavato, sāvaka-Sangkho-
Āhuneyyo pāhuneyyo dakkhineyyo anjali-karanīyo,
Worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of respect,
Anuttarang puññakkhettang lokassāti.
The incomparable field of merit for the world.
Sangkha Bhikiti
(Verses in Celebration of the Sangkha)
(Leader) Handa mayang Sangkhābhigiting karoma se:
Now let us chant in Celebration of the Sangkha:
(All) Saddhammajo Supatipatti-gunādiyutto,
Born of the true Dhamma, endowed with such virtues as good practice,
Yotthabbidho ariya-puggala-sangkhā-settho,
The supreme sangkha formed of the eight types of noble ones
Sīlādihamma-pavarā saya-kāya-citto:
Guided in body & mind by such principles ad morality
Vandāmahang tamariyāna-ganang susuddhang
I revere that group of noble ones well-purified
Sangkho yo sabba-paninang, Saranang Khemamuttamang
The Sangkha that for all being is the secure, the highest refuge
Tatiyānussatitthanang, Vandāmi tang sirenahang
The third theme for recollection: I revere it with my head
Sangkhassāhassami dāso (dāsī) va, Sangkho me sāmikissaro
I am the Sangkha’s servant, the Sangha is my sovereign master,
Sangkho dukkhassa ghātā ja, Vidhātā ja hitassa me
The Sangkha is a destroyer of suffering & a provider of welfare for me
Sangkhassāhang niyyādemi, Sarirañjīvitancidang
To the Sangkha I dedicate this body & This life of mine
Vandāntohang (Vandantīhang) jarissāmi, Sangkhasso patipannatang
I will fare with reverence for the Sangha’s good pratice
Natthi me saranang aññang, Sangkho me saranang varang
I have no other refuge, the Sangha is my foremost refuge:
Etena sacca-vajjena, Vaddheyyang satthu-sāsane.
By the speaking of this truth, may I grow in the teacher’s instruction.
Sangkhang me vandamānena (Vandamānāya),
Yang Puññang pasutang idha,
Sabbe pi antarāyā me, Māhesung tasa tejasā.
Through the power of the merit here produced by my reverence for the Sangkha, may all my obstructions cease to be
(Bow Down and say)
Kāyena Vājāya va jetasā vā,
Sangkhe kukammang pakatang mayā yang,
by body, by speech, or by mind
Sangkho patigganhātu ajjayantang,
Kālantare sangvaritung va Sangkhe.
So that in the future I may show restraint toward the Sangkha.
Atītā Paccavekkhana Pātha
(Reflection after using the requisites)
(Leader) Handa mayang Atītā Pajjavekkhana Pāthang bhanāma se:
(All) Ajja mayā apajjavekkhitavā, yang jīvarang paribhuttang
What ever robe I used today without ci=onsideration
Tang yāvadeva sītassa patighatīya,
Was simply to counteract the cold,
Unhassa patigghātāya,
To counteract the heat,
Dangsamakasa vātā tapasiring sapa samphassānang patighātāya,
To counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles:
Yāvadeva hirikopina paticchadanattang.
Simply for the purpose of covering the parts of the body that cause shame.
Ajja mayā apajjavekkhitvā, yo pindapātto paribhutto,
Whatever alms food I used today without consideration,
So neva davāya, na madāya, na mandanāya, na vibhusanāya,
Was not used playfully, nor for intoxication,
nor for putting on bulk, nor for beautification,
Yāvadeva imassa kāyassa thitiyā yāpanaya Vihingsuparatiyā brahama jariyānuggāhāya,
But simply for the survival & continuance of this body,
for ending its afflictions, for the support of the holly life,
Iti purānañja vedanang patihangkhāmi Navañja vedanang na uppādessami
(Thinking) thus will I destroy old feelings (of hunger) and not create new feelings (from covering)
Yātra ja me bhavissati anavajjatā ja phāsu vihāro jāti.
I will maintain my self, be blameless, & live in comfort.
Ajja mayā apajjavekkhitavā, yang senāsanang paribhuttang,
Whatever robe I used today without consideration,
Tang Yāvadeva sītassa patigghātāya,
Was simply to counteract the cold,
Unhassa patigghātāya,
To counteract the heat,
Dangsa makasa vātā tapa siring sapa samphassānang patighātāya,
To counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles:
Yāvadeva utuparisāya vinodanang patisallānārā matthang.
Simply for protection from the inclemency
of weather and for the enjoyment of seclusion
Ajja mayā apajjavekkhitavā, Yo gilāna pajjaya bhesajja parikkhāro paribhutto,
Whatever medicinal requisite for curing the sick I used today without consideration,
So yāvadeva uppannanang veyyabādhikānang Vedanānang patighātāya,
Was simply to counteract any pains of illness that had arisen,
Abayāpajjhā paramatāyāti.
And for maximum freedom from disease.
Abhinha Paccavekkhana Pātha
(Five subjects for frequent recollection)
(Leader) Handa mayang Abhinha Pajjavekkhana Pāthang bhanāma se:
Let us now recite the passage for frequent recollection: (All) Jarā dhammomhi, jarang anatito Rao me kwam kae pen dhammada, Ja luang pon Kwam kae pai mai dai I am subject to aging. Aging is unavoidable.
Bayādhi dhammomhi, bayādhing anatito Rao me Kwam jeb kai pen Dhammada, Ja luang pon kwam jab kai pai mai dai I am subject to illness. Illness is unavoidable.
Marana dhammomhi, maranang anatito
Rao me kwam tai pen Dhammada, Ja luang pan kwan tai pai mai dai I am subject to death. Death is unavoidable.
Sabbehi me piyehi manāpehi, nānā bhāvo vinā bhāvo
Rao ja la wen pen tang tang, kua wa rao ja tong plud prak jak kong rak kong chareon jai tang lai tang puang
I will grow different, separate from all that is dear & appealing to me.
Kammasskomhi kammadāyādo Kammayoni kammabandhu kammapatisarano
Rao me kam pen kong kong ton, me kam pen pu hai pol, me kam pen dan kerd, me kam pen put tit tarm, me kam pen ti puen ar sai
I am the owner of my actions, heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and live dependent on my actions.
Yang kammang karissāmi,
Kalyānang vā pāpakang vā, Tassa dāyādo bhavissāmi
Rao jak tam kam an dai wai, dee rue chua Rao jak pen phu rub pol kong kam
nan sueb pai
Evang amhehi a-bhinhang pajjekkhitabbang
Rao tang lai, kuan piccarana yangnee, tuk wan tuk wan terd
We should often reflect on this.
Kāyakatāsati Bhāvanā Pātha
(Contemplation of the body)
(Leader): Handa mayam kayagatanusati-gummattanam bha.nama se: Let us now recite the passage on mindfulness immersed in the body.
Ayang kho me kāyo Kai kong rao nee lae
This body of mine, Uddhang pādatalā Beong bon tae peun tao koen ma from the soles of the feet on up, Adho kesā matthakā Beong tam tae plai pom long pai from the crown of the head on down, Taca pariyanto Me nang hum u pen te sud rob surrounded by skin,
Pūro nānappakārassa-asucino Tem pai dauy kong mai sa ard
me prakarn tang tang filled with all sorts of unclean things. Atthi imasaming kāye Me u nai kai nee In this body there is:
Kesā Keu Pom tang lai
Hair of the head,
Lomā Keu Kon tang lai Hair of the body,
Nakhā Keu Leab tang lai Nails,
Dantā Keu Fan tang lai
Taco Keu Nang
Mangsang Keu Neao
Nahārū Keu En tang lai Tendons,
Atthī Keu Kra dook tang lai
Atthimiñjang Keu Yeaw nai ka dook
Vakkang Keu Marm
Hatayang Keu Hua Jai
Yakanang Keu Thab
Kilomakang Keu Pang peud
Pihakang Keu Tai
Pappāsang Keu Pod
Antang Keu Sai yai
Untakoonang Keu Sai noi
Utariyang Keu Āharn mai
Karīsang Keu Āharn kao
Pittang Keu Nam dee
Semhang Keu Nam salate
Pubbo Keu Nam luong
Lohitang Keu Nam leud
Seto Keu Nam nger
Medo Keu Nam mun kon
Assu Keu Nam tar
Vasā Keu Nam man leuw
Khelo Keu Nam lai
Singkānikā Keu Nam mook
Lasikā Keu Nam kai kaw
Muttang Keu Nam mood
Uddhang pādatalā Beong bon tae peun tao kaen ma
Adho kesā matthakā Beong tam tae prai pom long pai
Taca pariyanto Me nang hum u pen te sud rob
Puro nānappakārasa- Tem pai duay kong mai sa ard –
Asucino ti Me pra karn tang tang yang nee lae
Devatāpattidāna Gāthā
Handa mayang Devatāpattidāna Gāthāyo bhanāma se:
Yā devatā santi vihāravāsinī
Thupe ghare bodhighare tahing tahing
Tā dhammadānena bhavantu pūjitā
Sotthing karontedha vihāramandhale
Therā ca majhā navakā ca bhikkhavo
Sārāmikā dānapati upāsakā
Gāmā ca desā nigamā ca issarā
Sappānabhūtā sukhitā bhavantu te
Jalābujā yepi ca andasambhavā
Sangsedajātā athavopapātikā
Niyyanikang dhammavarang patica te
Sabbepi dukkhassa karontu sangkhayang
Thātu cirang satang dhammo Dhammatdharā ca puggalā
Sangkho hotu samaggo va Atthāya ca hitāya ca
Amhe rakkhatu saddhammo Sabbepi dhammacārino
Vuddhing sampāpuneyyāma Dhamme ariyappavedite
Bhumibalomahārājā Gāthā
Bhumibalo mahārājā Taiyanung nundivaddhano
Taiyavāsī namatthāya Hitaya ca sukhāya ca
Rajjhang kāreti dhammena Karunyāni ca kubbate
Dukkhang dukkhābhutānang Apaneti abhikkhanang
Sukhang sukhasamangīnang Upaneti yathārahang
Sokang sokaparetānang Panudati suyuttito
Bhayang bhayānupattanang Sameti anurupato
Nātho nāthicchatang hoti Anāthānang hitakkaro
Tassamā bhumibhalo settho Mahārājā canādhipo
Sabbesang dayyavāsīnang Piyo hoti manāpiyo
Hadayang uramajjheva Manomajjhe ca titthati.
Imāya hi samāyassa Patthāya rajjhākālato
Sangvaccharāni pannāsa Paripunnāni sabbaso
Ratanattayā nubhāvena Katapuññāna tejasa
Dīghāyuko mahārājā Vannavā ca sukhedhito
Balupeto anīgho ca Arogo hotu nibbhayo
Sabbavuddhi ca sabbāsā Sabbanca jayamanggalang
Yamicchati ca sabbantang Samijjhantussa sabbadāti
Sabbha Pattidāna Gāthā
Handa mayang Sabbha Pattidāna Gāthāyo bhanāma se:
Puññassidāni katassa, Yānaññāni katāni me
Tesañca bhākino hontu, Sattā natāppamānakā.
Khaw hai sat tang lai, mai me tee sud mai me pra marn,
Cong pen pu me suan haeng bun, tee khapachao dai tam nai bud nee,
Lae haeng bun tang lai auen tee khapachao dai tam laew,
Ye piyā kunawantā ca,
Kue jon laow dai pen tee rak pu me kun,
Maihang mātāpitādayo,
Me marnda lae bida khong khapachao pen ton,
Ditthā me cāpyaditthā vā,
Tee khapachao dai hen rue mae mi dai hen,
Aññe majjhattaverino, Sattā titthanti lokassaming,
Lae sat thang lai auen tee pen klang, lae mi ven kan tang yu nai lok,
Te bhummā catuyonikā,
Kerd nai bhum sarm kerd nai kamnerd see,
Me khan ha lae khan nueng lae khan see,
Sangsaranta bhavābhave,
Tong tiew yu nai bhob noi lae bhob yai,
Ñatang ye pattidānamme,
Sat laow dai sarb karn hai suan bun khong khapachao laew,
Anumodantu te sayang,
Khor sat laow nan cong anumotana aeng tard,
Ye cimang nappachānanti,
Kor sat laow dai yom mai sarb karn hai suan bun khong khapachao nee,
Devā tesang nivedayung,
Khor teb tang lai pueng caeng kea sat laow nan,
Mayā dinnāna puññānang, Anumodana hetunā,
Pror het kue anomotana bun tang lai tee khapachao hai lae,
Sabbe sattā sadā huntu, Averā sukajīvino.
Khor sat tang puang cong ya me ven yu pen suk samer tard,
Khemappadanca pappontu,
Lae cong tueng tang an kasem terd,
Tesasa sijchatang subhā.
Khor kwam wang an dee khong sat laow nan chong samret tern.
The Emerald Buddha statue (Replica)
Buddha mahā manī ratana patimāgarang pūchemi,
Dhutiyampi Buddha mahā manī ratana patimāgarang pūchemi,
Tatiyampi Buddha mahā manī ratana patimāgarang pūchemi,
Atena sajjawajjhena Mahātecho jewa
Mahāpañño ja Mahābhoko ja
Mahāyaso ja Bhawantu me
Nibbhānassa paccayo hotu.